October 2004This poster appears at the bottom of Towers Street. It has the slogan "Phwoarrr!!!", and informs the public of how fast the new ride will be. It also advertises the park's website for the new ride.

October 2004This poster is displayed to the right of the now closed Ug Land entrance arch. It is very similar to the Towers Street poster.

January 2005The official logo for the ride has now been revealed on the park's press website. It features "speed lines" on it, similar to those of the Formula One logo (which surely can't be a coincidence when you consider the theme involved), and a woman in a running pose.

February 2005The first piece of promotional material for the new ride, which was distributed around the Hotels. It states that the ride is scheduled to open on March 28th.

March 2005This is an advert that appeared in Heat Magazine in the final week of March. The text says, "0-100 in 2.5 seconds. The new ride at Alton Towers. Launches 1st April", and also, "Make some great memories. You might need them some day".

March 2005This is how Ug Land looks on the 2005 park map.

March 2005A faux "Speeding Ticket" marketing leaflet for Rita.

March 2005A faux "Speeding Ticket" marketing leaflet for Rita.

March 2005A faux "Speeding Ticket" marketing leaflet for Rita.