Looking across the site from the Monorail, with the steel roof of the station being constructed.
The top of the newly constructed lift hill. Only a couple more pieces are left to install.
An overall view shows how Air towers above Nemesis.
The track emerges from the tunnel underneath the monorail track.
This shows just how close the track gets to the monorail.
An overall view of the lift hill.
Looking at the front of the station, now being constructed so the building above can be built.
The rear of the station. The transfer track is still waiting to be installed.
Looking from the station towards the lift hill.
Heavy duty equipment is being used by the construction team during the night to build the lift hill.
The roof of the station under construction.
A wider shot of the station being constructed.
More supports in the top car park to finish off the lift hill and turn around.
The picnic area in Forbidden Valley has been fenced off, although no work has started yet.