Enterprise and Oblivion in the snow.
From the same angle, looking towards Oblivion.
Submission and Oblivion.
Oblivion's queue line entrance.
A nice shot of Oblivion in the snow.
A slightly mistier photo.
The lake around the exit tunnel of Oblivion... frozed solid!
The eyes and noses of these mini-snowmen are actually Enterprise bolts!
The tunnel exit.
An overall shot of Oblivion.
The Black Hole tent, with the snow giving it a nice look.
Looking into the X-Sector from its entrance.
The entrance sign, which has been spruced up.
An arty shot of Oblivion through the snow-covered trees.
The Forbidden Valley.
The entrance to Fountain Square. The tracks are from the various pieces of machinery being used in Rita's construction.
The Toyland Tours extended queue line, now no longer used.
Looking at the front of Toyland Tours.
The Pink Elephant in Cred Street.
One of the Sky Ride cars, with a worker on top of it.
Corkscrew cars, looking decidedly frosty.
Would you want to sit in that?
The Hex (outside) queue line.
The trampolines in Fountain Square.
A look at the Towers themselves.
From the same spot, looking towards the lake.
Nemesis' exit path has been widened to make it easier for disabled guests to board.
A hole has been cut in the side of the station to allow for the new Single Rider Queue.
And here is the new queue, with the station having been repainted.
New pipes for Nemesis, to replace the old ones which pump the "blood" water back up to the top of the hill.
Scaffolding around one of the "beast's legs".
More work being carried out, down by the vertical loop.
A wider shot showing the scaffolding.
More winter checks, this time just before the final corkscrew.
Another "legs" having a touch-up.
Sandblasting around the Courtyard Tavern. Notice the roof of the tavern!
Submission gets its annual checks done.
Looking down on the Chance Double Inverter.
Ripsaw also has its annual checks.
Looking from the side, you can see that the seats have been stripped.
A closer look at the seats.
The harnesses are being stored in the Nemesis station.
Part of Cariba Creek has some work carried out too.
Spinball Whizzer cars sit on the transfer track outside the maintenance shed.
Workers restoring the Oblivion spray jets.