Nothing much has changed at the front of the building.
The fake balconies have been removed from the side of the building now.
Behind Ribena Berry Bish Bash, a lot of scenery and sets from Toyland Tours have been stored awaiting removal.
Inside, more scenery has been dismantled.
The hippos are still in storage for the time being.
The final turn of the ride, now completely bare.
This is where the structure with the mermaid on used to be.
The sign at the start of Toyland Tours.
Looking back down the station.
At the beginning of Toyland Tours is the "Think Tank".
The Bathtime section, which is now empty.
In the Sonic area, which also has had all theming removed.
The left hand side of the Sonic area.
Returning to the Bathtime area, we take a look back towards the Dolly Mixtures section.
The side of the building, which is soon to be extended.