Curvy track and more supports in Fountain Square.
We think this is steelwork that will form part of the first banked helix.
Looking at the launch, now complete.
Corkscrew's On-Ride Photo booth, now with a large area cleared behind it for one of Rita's helixes.
Footers next to the Corkscrew On-Ride Photo booth.
A closer look at those footers.
Looking from Corkscrew towards where the first helix will be. You can also see the area to the right where part of Rita will pass very close to Corkscrew's station.
From the same vantage point, you can see how far the launch section stretches.
Looking further left again, and the scale of Rita is put into perspective by Corkscrew.
The same shot, taken from a slightly higher vantage point.
From here you can see the start of Rita's launch, and the area where the station is being constructed next to Corkscrew's brake run.
Back down on ground level, another look at Corkscrew's photo booth.
Hefty footers situated next to Corkscrew's final turn before the the station.
Corkscrew's final turn. Note the fact that the queueline for Corkscrew has already been removed in preparation for the re-landscaping in 2005.
The structure that Rita will pass above just after the launch. We believe this could be where all the hydraulic motors will be stored.
Looking from Rita's station area towards the first helix. You can see how people will be able to walk underneath the train roaring above.
The start of the launch section. Notice how close the station will be to Corkscrew's brake run.
Looking back down the launch section.
From the side, you can see how Rita's launch will have a slight incline.
Looking at the launch section from a distance.
From a nearby spot, we look towards the start of the launch track.
This photo was taken from Corkscrew's brake run. Look how close the two coasters are!
A side-on view of the building underneath the end part of Rita's launch.
Footers near where Bone Shaker used to be situated. From the distance you can see how far away from Corkscrew the ride will go.
Past the hydraulic motor building, more large footers.
More work going on to construct the building Rita will roar above.
Rita and Corkscrew: together in 2005. You can clearly see the yellow "fins" above the track that form part of the launch mechanism.
A closer look at the launch section of this Intamin track.
More track in Fountain Square: brake run maybe?
Curved sections of Rita track that will soon be installed in Ug Land.